Can so-called vice industries thrive in India without silencing the voices that built them?

societal taboo around sex tech and BDSM

Can so-called vice industries thrive in India without silencing the voices that built them?

The societal taboo around sex tech and BDSM isn’t easy to shake off. But young, queer business-owners are playing a key role in making these industries more visible and legitimate without diluting the financial and cultural opportunities they offer to fellow LGBTQIA+ members

Society has long considered certain practices like cannabis consumption, BDSM, and sex tech, as taboo, policed and upheld by rigid laws and deep-seated cultural norms. For queer individuals, living on the fringes of societal acceptance, these so-called taboos have often been tools of survival and self-discovery. Cannabis has eased  chronic pain, kink has nurtured  intimacy through play, and sex tech has created safer sexual experiences with greater personal autonomy........READ MORE

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